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NixOS configs for

This repo contains all the configs to deploy and its customized version of Mastodon. It is meant to be used with a flakes-aware version of nix (you may have to enable the flakes and nix-command experimental options in your configuration).

We use git-crypt to encrypt our deployment secrets (found in the secrets subdirectory of this repository).

colmena is used for deployment.

Shell configuration

shell.nix provides an environment with the tools required for deployment. You can enter the shell environment by running nix develop in the project directory.

If you use direnv, there is a .envrc file that will automatically load the shell environment with nix.

Setting up secrets

Some files in this repository are transparently encrypted with git-crypt and require extra steps to work with for deployment or otherwise. There are not currently any checks in place to ensure you don't deploy encrypted secrets. If you deploy secrets without decrypting them, things WILL break.

Unfortunately, there is no git-crypt subcommand to check if the secrets are currently decrypted or not ( One suggested way is to run git config --local --get filter.git-crypt.smudge. If the command outputs the text git-crypt smudge (verbatim) then it is unlocked. If the command outputs nothing, it is locked.

If you have a gpg key that is registered with git-crypt in this repository, you can decrypt secrets with git-crypt unlock. You will be prompted to enter your gpg passphrase or touch your hardware token. If you have a symmetric secret key file, use git-crypt unlock /path/to/keyfile.


The services.postgresqlBackup NixOS module (enabled in mastodon.nix) provides a systemd service and timer that will automatically back up the Mastodon database to /var/backup/postgresql/mastodon.sql.gz at 01:15 every day (defaulting to UTC unless time.timeZone is set).

To create a backup immediately, you can connect to the server via ssh and run systemctl start postgresqlBackup-mastodon.service. This command will exit when the backup is complete.


To deploy, simply run colmena apply. This will automatically build the system and its dependencies including Mastodon, push everything to the server, and restart appropriate services.

If any service fails to restart properly, the deployment will be rolled back and logs for the failed service will be printed to the terminal.

The Mastodon service automatically runs database migrations when deploying. This might take a significant amount of time. Before deploying, you should take care to back up the database. There is no automatic rollback for database migrations, so Mastodon may fail to start if migrations took place before the rollback. If this happens, restoring the database backup should fix the issue.


Nix files for our customized version of Mastodon are in the mastodon subdirectory. These are automatically generated by the script in the root of the repository.

To update, simply run ./ from the root of the repository. This will update flake.lock, fetch the latest version from the repository url specified at the top of the script and regenerate the files in the mastodon subdirectory.

Sometimes the last step of the update script will time out and fail while fetching something from the yarn registry. If this happens, you can try running the update script again.

Other notes

Currently, the nixpkgs url is fixed to a personal fork of nixpkgs which contains these improvements. Once these are merged and make it into the nixos-unstable channel, the url at the top of flake.nix should be changed back.