#!/usr/sbin/bash cd /home/vivlim vcsh clone git@github.com:vivlim/vcsh_mr.git mr mr up # starting tmux tmux -2 new-session -d # Update vim plugins in the background. tmux new-window -d -n vimconfig -t 9 bash tmux send-keys -t 9 "cd /home/vivlim/.vim \ && git submodule init \ && git submodule update \ && vim -E -c 'source ~/.vimrc' -c PluginInstall -c qall \ && curl https://sh.rustup.rs | bash -s -- -y \ && source ~/.cargo/env \ && rustup default stable \ && rustup component add rls rust-analysis rust-src \ && rustup default nightly" C-m tmux new-window -t 1 zsh tmux kill-window -t 0 # check if password has been set and prompt if not passwd --status vivlim | grep -q NP if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "No password is set. You will be prompted for one when you connect." tmux send-keys -t 1 "passwd vivlim" C-m fi # start cloudcmd cloudcmd --terminal --terminal-path `gritty --path` &