================================================================ How to add Low-res modes to your XF86Config under Linux MANUALLY ================================================================ I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE TO YOUR EQUIPMENT!!! This document explains how to add low-res modes like 320x200 to your X-Server configuration, because some new setup tools for the X-Server do not support this. ONLY RECOMMENDED FOR USERS WHO KNOW WHAT THEY DO! I do not take any responsibility for damage done to your monitor, your videocard, your harddisk, your cat, your dog or anything else!!! IMPORTANT IS, THAT YOUR "HorizSync" AND "VertRefresh" VALUES REALLY MATCH YOUR MONITOR! OTHERWISE YOUR MONITOR CAN BLOW UP!!! OK, if you have read up to here, you either know what you do or really die-hard want those low-res modes. Here is what to do: Look up your XF86Config. Is is either in /etc or in /etc/X11. Here is what you have to add to the definition of your modeslines: # Low-res Doublescan modes # If your chipset does not support doublescan, you get a 'squashed' # resolution like 320x400. # 320x200 @ 70 Hz, 31.5 kHz hsync, 8:5 aspect ratio Modeline "320x200" 12.588 320 336 384 400 200 204 205 225 Doublescan # 320x240 @ 60 Hz, 31.5 kHz hsync, 4:3 aspect ratio Modeline "320x240" 12.588 320 336 384 400 240 245 246 262 Doublescan # 320x240 @ 72 Hz, 36.5 kHz hsync Modeline "320x240" 15.750 320 336 384 400 240 244 246 262 Doublescan # 400x300 @ 56 Hz, 35.2 kHz hsync, 4:3 aspect ratio ModeLine "400x300" 18 400 416 448 512 300 301 302 312 Doublescan # 400x300 @ 60 Hz, 37.8 kHz hsync Modeline "400x300" 20 400 416 480 528 300 301 303 314 Doublescan # 400x300 @ 72 Hz, 48.0 kHz hsync Modeline "400x300" 25 400 424 488 520 300 319 322 333 Doublescan If your video card only supports a specific set of discrete dotclocks (RAMDAC) you may have to replace the dotclocks given here by one of the specified (e.g in the first modeline the dotclock is 12.588 MHz). I believe that nowadays all cards and monitors should work with these settings, but if you have outdated hardware you better check the frequencies yourself. If there is any uncertainty, please check the "XFree86 Video Timings HOWTO". Then have a look at the section "Screen" with the appropriate driver (usually either "svga" or "accel"). Under Subsection "Display" there are modes for the given color depth. Add the desired modes. As an example I give you my screens definition here with low-res modes in 16 bit color depth: Section "Screen" Driver "accel" Device "3D Charger" Monitor "Iiyama Pro 450" DefaultColorDepth 16 Subsection "Display" Depth 8 Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" ViewPort 0 0 Virtual 1280 1024 EndSubsection Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" "400x300" "320x200" <- THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT YOU WANT!!! ViewPort 0 0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Virtual 1152 864 EndSubsection Subsection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "800x600" "640x480" ViewPort 0 0 Virtual 800 600 EndSubsection Subsection "Display" Depth 32 Modes "800x600" "640x480" ViewPort 0 0 Virtual 800 600 EndSubsection EndSection Once again: important is, that you edit the correct Screen section. If you use the SVGA Server and edit the ACCEL Server, you might wonder where your new modes have gone. If everything went fine and you want to say thank you, just write to "metzgermeister@users.sourceforge.net". If your monitor blew up and you want to kill me, find me playing Legacy or Q3A on the net and frag me (with your second monitor, hehe). - metzgermeister