Debug Win32 Release Win32 Debug x64 Release x64 Srb2Win {61BA7D3C-F77D-4D31-B718-1177FE482CF2} Win32Proj Srb2SDL 8.1 Srb2Win v140 true false true true false true <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1 false {72b01aca-7a1a-4f7b-acef-2607299cf052} false {73a5729c-7323-41d4-ab48-8a03c9f81603} false Document nasm -g -o $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj -f win32 "%(FullPath)" Compiling %(Filename).nas with NASM... $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj;%(Outputs) true true Document nasm -g -o $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj -f win32 "%(FullPath)" Compiling %(Filename).nas with NASM... $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj;%(Outputs) true true Document nasm -g -o $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj -f win32 "%(FullPath)" Compiling %(Filename).nas with NASM... $(IntDir)%(Filename).obj;%(Outputs) true true true true true true true true true true