/* From the 'Wizard2' engine by Spaddlewit Inc. ( http://www.spaddlewit.com ) An experimental work-in-progress. Donated to Sonic Team Junior and adapted to work with Sonic Robo Blast 2. The license of this code matches whatever the licensing is for Sonic Robo Blast 2. */ #include "u_list.h" #include "../z_zone.h" // Utility for managing // structures in a linked // list. // // Struct must have "next" and "prev" pointers // as its first two variables. // // // ListAdd // // Adds an item to the list // void ListAdd(void *pItem, listitem_t **itemHead) { listitem_t *item = (listitem_t*)pItem; if (*itemHead == NULL) { *itemHead = item; (*itemHead)->prev = (*itemHead)->next = NULL; } else { listitem_t *tail; tail = *itemHead; while (tail->next != NULL) tail = tail->next; tail->next = item; tail->next->prev = tail; item->next = NULL; } } // // ListAddFront // // Adds an item to the front of the list // (This is much faster) // void ListAddFront(void *pItem, listitem_t **itemHead) { listitem_t *item = (listitem_t*)pItem; if (*itemHead == NULL) { *itemHead = item; (*itemHead)->prev = (*itemHead)->next = NULL; } else { (*itemHead)->prev = item; item->next = (*itemHead); item->prev = NULL; *itemHead = item; } } // // ListAddBefore // // Adds an item before the item specified in the list // void ListAddBefore(void *pItem, void *pSpot, listitem_t **itemHead) { listitem_t *item = (listitem_t*)pItem; listitem_t *spot = (listitem_t*)pSpot; listitem_t *prev = spot->prev; if (!prev) ListAddFront(pItem, itemHead); else { item->next = spot; spot->prev = item; item->prev = prev; prev->next = item; } } // // ListAddAfter // // Adds an item after the item specified in the list // void ListAddAfter(void *pItem, void *pSpot, listitem_t **itemHead) { listitem_t *item = (listitem_t*)pItem; listitem_t *spot = (listitem_t*)pSpot; listitem_t *next = spot->next; if (!next) ListAdd(pItem, itemHead); else { item->prev = spot; spot->next = item; item->next = next; next->prev = item; } } // // ListRemove // // Take an item out of the list and free its memory. // void ListRemove(void *pItem, listitem_t **itemHead) { listitem_t *item = (listitem_t*)pItem; if (item == *itemHead) // Start of list { *itemHead = item->next; if (*itemHead) (*itemHead)->prev = NULL; } else if (item->next == NULL) // end of list { item->prev->next = NULL; } else // Somewhere in between { item->prev->next = item->next; item->next->prev = item->prev; } Z_Free (item); } // // ListRemoveAll // // Removes all items from the list, freeing their memory. // void ListRemoveAll(listitem_t **itemHead) { listitem_t *item; listitem_t *next; for (item = *itemHead; item; item = next) { next = item->next; ListRemove(item, itemHead); } } // // ListRemoveNoFree // // Take an item out of the list, but don't free its memory. // void ListRemoveNoFree(void *pItem, listitem_t **itemHead) { listitem_t *item = (listitem_t*)pItem; if (item == *itemHead) // Start of list { *itemHead = item->next; if (*itemHead) (*itemHead)->prev = NULL; } else if (item->next == NULL) // end of list { item->prev->next = NULL; } else // Somewhere in between { item->prev->next = item->next; item->next->prev = item->prev; } } // // ListGetCount // // Counts the # of items in a list // Should not be used in performance-minded code // unsigned int ListGetCount(void *itemHead) { listitem_t *item = (listitem_t*)itemHead; unsigned int count = 0; for (; item; item = item->next) count++; return count; } // // ListGetByIndex // // Gets an item in the list by its index // Should not be used in performance-minded code // listitem_t *ListGetByIndex(void *itemHead, unsigned int index) { listitem_t *head = (listitem_t*)itemHead; unsigned int count = 0; listitem_t *node; for (node = head; node; node = node->next) { if (count == index) return node; count++; } return NULL; }