#!/bin/bash # Deployer for Travis-CI # Default Variables # # Here are all of the user-set variables used by Deployer. # See the "Cross-platform deployment" page on SRB2 Wiki for documentation. # Core Parameters : ${DPL_ENABLED} # Enable Deployer behavior; must be set for any deployment activity : ${DPL_TAG_ENABLED} # Trigger Deployer for all tag releases : ${DPL_JOB_ENABLE_ALL} # Enable all jobs for deployment : ${DPL_TERMINATE_TESTS} # Terminate all build test jobs (used in .travis.yml) : ${DPL_TRIGGER} # Use a [word] in the commit message to trigger Deployer : ${DPL_JOBNAMES} # Trigger Deployer by job name : ${DPL_OSNAMES} # Trigger Deployer by OS name (osx,linux) : ${DPL_BRANCHES} # Trigger Deployer by git branch name # Job Parameters : ${_DPL_JOB_ENABLED} # Enable Deployer for this specific job. DPL_ENABLED must be set too. : ${_DPL_JOB_NAME} # Identifier for the job, used for logging and trigger word matching : ${_DPL_FTP_TARGET} # Deploy to FTP : ${_DPL_DPUT_TARGET} # Deploy to DPUT : ${_DPL_PACKAGE_SOURCE} # Build packages into a Source distribution. Linux only. : ${_DPL_PACKAGE_BINARY} # Build packages into a Binary distribution. : ${_DPL_PACKAGE_MAIN:=1} # Build main installation package. Linux only; OS X assumes this. : ${_DPL_PACKAGE_ASSET} # Build asset installation package. Linux only. # Asset File Parameters : ${ASSET_ARCHIVE_PATH:=https://github.com/mazmazz/Kart-Public/releases/download/kart_assets/srb2kart-v102-assets.7z} : ${ASSET_ARCHIVE_OPTIONAL_PATH:=https://github.com/mazmazz/Kart-Public/releases/download/kart_assets/srb2kart-v102-optional-assets.7z} : ${ASSET_FILES_HASHED:=srb2.srb patch.kart gfx.kart textures.kart chars.kart maps.kart} : ${ASSET_FILES_DOCS:=README.txt HISTORY.txt LICENSE.txt LICENSE-3RD-PARTY.txt} : ${ASSET_FILES_OPTIONAL_GET:=0} # FTP Parameters : ${DPL_FTP_PROTOCOL} : ${DPL_FTP_USER} : ${DPL_FTP_PASS} : ${DPL_FTP_HOSTNAME} : ${DPL_FTP_PORT} : ${DPL_FTP_PATH} # DPUT Parameters : ${DPL_DPUT_DOMAIN:=ppa.launchpad.net} : ${DPL_DPUT_METHOD:=sftp} : ${DPL_DPUT_INCOMING} : ${DPL_DPUT_LOGIN:=anonymous} : ${DPL_SSH_KEY_PRIVATE} # Base64-encoded private key file. Used to sign repository uploads : ${DPL_SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE} # Decodes the private key file. # Package Parameters : ${PACKAGE_NAME:=srb2kart} : ${PACKAGE_VERSION:=1.0.2} : ${PACKAGE_SUBVERSION} # Highly recommended to set this to reflect the distro series target (e.g., ~18.04bionic) : ${PACKAGE_REVISION} # Defaults to UTC timestamp : ${PACKAGE_INSTALL_PATH:=/usr/games/SRB2Kart} : ${PACKAGE_LINK_PATH:=/usr/games} : ${PACKAGE_DISTRO:=trusty} : ${PACKAGE_URGENCY:=high} : ${PACKAGE_NAME_EMAIL:=Kart Krew } : ${PACKAGE_GROUP_NAME_EMAIL:=Kart Krew } : ${PACKAGE_WEBSITE:=} : ${PACKAGE_ASSET_MINVERSION:=1.0.1} # Number this the version BEFORE the actual required version, because we do a > check : ${PACKAGE_ASSET_MAXVERSION:=1.0.3} # Number this the version AFTER the actual required version, because we do a < check : ${PROGRAM_NAME:=Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart} : ${PROGRAM_VENDOR:=Kart Krew} : ${PROGRAM_VERSION:=1.0.2} : ${PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION:=A kart racing mod based on the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangame Sonic Robo Blast 2.} : ${PROGRAM_FILENAME:=srb2kart} : ${DPL_PGP_KEY_PRIVATE} # Base64-encoded private key file. Used to sign Debian packages : ${DPL_PGP_KEY_PASSPHRASE} # Decodes the private key file. # Export Asset and Package Parameters for envsubst templating export ASSET_ARCHIVE_PATH="${ASSET_ARCHIVE_PATH}" export ASSET_ARCHIVE_OPTIONAL_PATH="${ASSET_ARCHIVE_OPTIONAL_PATH}" export ASSET_FILES_HASHED="${ASSET_FILES_HASHED}" export ASSET_FILES_DOCS="${ASSET_FILES_DOCS}" export ASSET_FILES_OPTIONAL_GET="${ASSET_FILES_OPTIONAL_GET}" export PACKAGE_NAME="${PACKAGE_NAME}" export PACKAGE_VERSION="${PACKAGE_VERSION}" export PACKAGE_SUBVERSION="${PACKAGE_SUBVERSION}" # in case we have this export PACKAGE_REVISION="${PACKAGE_REVISION}" export PACKAGE_ASSET_MINVERSION="${PACKAGE_ASSET_MINVERSION}" export PACKAGE_ASSET_MAXVERSION="${PACKAGE_ASSET_MAXVERSION}" export PACKAGE_INSTALL_PATH="${PACKAGE_INSTALL_PATH}" export PACKAGE_LINK_PATH="${PACKAGE_LINK_PATH}" export PACKAGE_DISTRO="${PACKAGE_DISTRO}" export PACKAGE_URGENCY="${PACKAGE_URGENCY}" export PACKAGE_NAME_EMAIL="${PACKAGE_NAME_EMAIL}" export PACKAGE_GROUP_NAME_EMAIL="${PACKAGE_GROUP_NAME_EMAIL}" export PACKAGE_WEBSITE="${PACKAGE_WEBSITE}" export PROGRAM_NAME="${PROGRAM_NAME}" export PROGRAM_VERSION="${PROGRAM_VERSION}" export PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION="${PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION}" export PROGRAM_FILENAME="${PROGRAM_FILENAME}" # This file is called in debian_template.sh, so mark our completion so we don't run it again __DEBIAN_PARAMETERS_INITIALIZED=1