SVN-RULES - As you can see, there is sub-directory in the repository, one for eatch platform (djgpp (dos),win32,SDL) the root directory is for all platform, so take care of the order we have put in. - do not commit/upload tests of bugged code, try to fix a maximum of know bugs and update know bugs list in source.txt. If you must commit your source make your code in #ifdef so we can disable it - SRB2 is a modification of doom/Doom Legacy source. We allow additionnal feature and visual addition. - Maximize communications between members, do not impose your changes, if your are not sure about a feature/change, talk about it in irc:// chat room. CODE-RULES - We use no tab, 4 space indent, and tab size 8 (in case some tab have filtred and for makefile) - Self documented code, variable and function must have a name that help understand the code, so do not call variable and function a,b, a2, ... - the usage of extern in a c file is prohibited, except for declaration of a function with body (so it is like public keyword in c++) Also function protos haren't allowed for external function, put it un the corresponding h file. - Try to minimize #ifdef usage for : - code readability - the main code is for all port so if something is good for a platform all platform can benefit by this feature - Take care of platform dependent code, we would like to have code that work on Dos, Win32, SDL, ... little and big endian, software/Glide/OpenGl. GOOD PRACTICE - Try to put as mush static variable and function on module so it help to understand the role of the varaible/function in the module also this help the compiler to optimize - minimise global variable - make a log of your work, so you don't need to put a lot of comment in the code, this will also help us to update the what's new section of doc when doing final release