Lua fixes + new drawOnMinimap function

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Latapostrophe 2019-05-26 15:05:10 +02:00
parent cb74228469
commit a7917cb4b9
4 changed files with 181 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -383,6 +383,179 @@ static int libd_drawScaled(lua_State *L)
return 0; return 0;
} }
// KART: draw patch on minimap from x, y coordinates on the map
static int libd_drawOnMinimap(lua_State *L)
fixed_t x, y, scale; // coordinates of the object
patch_t *patch; // patch we want to draw
const UINT8 *colormap = NULL; // do we want to colormap this patch?
boolean centered; // the patch is centered and doesn't need readjusting on x/y coordinates.
// variables used to replicate k_kart's mmap drawer:
INT32 lumpnum;
patch_t *AutomapPic;
INT32 mx, my;
INT32 splitflags, minimaptrans;
// base position of the minimap which also takes splits into account:
// variables used for actually drawing the icon:
fixed_t amnumxpos, amnumypos;
INT32 amxpos, amypos;
node_t *bsp = &nodes[numnodes-1];
fixed_t maxx, minx, maxy, miny;
fixed_t mapwidth, mapheight;
fixed_t xoffset, yoffset;
fixed_t xscale, yscale, zoom;
fixed_t patchw, patchh;
HUDONLY // only run this function in hud hooks
x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
scale = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
patch = *((patch_t **)luaL_checkudata(L, 4, META_PATCH));
if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 5))
colormap = *((UINT8 **)luaL_checkudata(L, 5, META_COLORMAP));
centered = lua_optboolean(L, 6);
// replicate exactly what source does for its minimap drawer; AKA hardcoded garbo.
// first, check what position the mmap is supposed to be in (pasted from k_kart.c):
MM_X = BASEVIDWIDTH - 50; // 270
MM_Y = (BASEVIDHEIGHT/2)-16; // 84
if (splitscreen)
if (splitscreen > 1) // 3P : bottom right
if (splitscreen > 2) // 4P: centered
// splitscreen flags
splitflags = (splitscreen == 3 ? 0 : V_SNAPTORIGHT); // flags should only be 0 when it's centered (4p split)
// translucency:
if (timeinmap > 105)
minimaptrans = cv_kartminimap.value;
if (timeinmap <= 113)
minimaptrans = ((((INT32)timeinmap) - 105)*minimaptrans)/(113-105);
if (!minimaptrans)
return 0;
return 0;
minimaptrans = ((10-minimaptrans)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
splitflags |= minimaptrans;
if (!(splitscreen == 2))
splitflags &= ~minimaptrans;
splitflags |= V_HUDTRANSHALF;
splitflags &= ~V_HUDTRANSHALF;
splitflags |= V_HUDTRANS;
// Draw the HUD only when playing in a level.
// hu_stuff needs this, unlike st_stuff.
if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL)
return 0;
if (stplyr != &players[displayplayers[0]])
return 0;
lumpnum = W_CheckNumForName(va("%sR", G_BuildMapName(gamemap)));
if (lumpnum != -1)
AutomapPic = W_CachePatchName(va("%sR", G_BuildMapName(gamemap)), PU_HUDGFX);
return 0; // no pic, just get outta here
mx = MM_X - (AutomapPic->width/2);
my = MM_Y - (AutomapPic->height/2);
// let offsets transfer to the heads, too!
if (encoremode)
mx += SHORT(AutomapPic->leftoffset);
mx -= SHORT(AutomapPic->leftoffset);
my -= SHORT(AutomapPic->topoffset);
// now that we have replicated this behavior, we can draw an icon from our supplied x, y coordinates by replicating k_kart.c's totally understandable uncommented code!!!
// get map boundaries using nodes
maxx = maxy = INT32_MAX;
minx = miny = INT32_MIN;
minx = bsp->bbox[0][BOXLEFT];
maxx = bsp->bbox[0][BOXRIGHT];
miny = bsp->bbox[0][BOXBOTTOM];
maxy = bsp->bbox[0][BOXTOP];
if (bsp->bbox[1][BOXLEFT] < minx)
minx = bsp->bbox[1][BOXLEFT];
if (bsp->bbox[1][BOXRIGHT] > maxx)
maxx = bsp->bbox[1][BOXRIGHT];
if (bsp->bbox[1][BOXBOTTOM] < miny)
miny = bsp->bbox[1][BOXBOTTOM];
if (bsp->bbox[1][BOXTOP] > maxy)
maxy = bsp->bbox[1][BOXTOP];
// You might be wondering why these are being bitshift here
// it's because mapwidth and height would otherwise overflow for maps larger than half the size possible...
// map boundaries and sizes will ALWAYS be whole numbers thankfully
// later calculations take into consideration that these are actually not in terms of FRACUNIT though
minx >>= FRACBITS;
maxx >>= FRACBITS;
miny >>= FRACBITS;
maxy >>= FRACBITS;
// these are our final map boundaries:
mapwidth = maxx - minx;
mapheight = maxy - miny;
// These should always be small enough to be bitshift back right now
xoffset = (minx + mapwidth/2)<<FRACBITS;
yoffset = (miny + mapheight/2)<<FRACBITS;
xscale = FixedDiv(AutomapPic->width, mapwidth);
yscale = FixedDiv(AutomapPic->height, mapheight);
zoom = FixedMul(min(xscale, yscale), FRACUNIT-FRACUNIT/20);
amnumxpos = (FixedMul(x, zoom) - FixedMul(xoffset, zoom));
amnumypos = -(FixedMul(y, zoom) - FixedMul(yoffset, zoom));
if (encoremode)
amnumxpos = -amnumxpos;
// scale patch coords
patchw = patch->width*scale /2;
patchh = patch->height*scale /2;
if (centered)
patchw = patchh = 0; // patch is supposedly already centered, don't butt in.
amxpos = amnumxpos + ((mx + AutomapPic->width/2)<<FRACBITS) - patchw;
amypos = amnumypos + ((my + AutomapPic->height/2)<<FRACBITS) - patchh;
V_DrawFixedPatch(amxpos, amypos, scale, splitflags, patch, colormap);
return 0;
static int libd_drawNum(lua_State *L) static int libd_drawNum(lua_State *L)
{ {
INT32 x, y, flags, num; INT32 x, y, flags, num;
@ -646,6 +819,7 @@ static luaL_Reg lib_draw[] = {
{"dupy", libd_dupy}, {"dupy", libd_dupy},
{"renderer", libd_renderer}, {"renderer", libd_renderer},
{"localTransFlag", libd_getlocaltransflag}, {"localTransFlag", libd_getlocaltransflag},
{"drawOnMinimap", libd_drawOnMinimap},
}; };

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@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (thing->state == &states[S_MINEEXPLOSION1]) if (thing->state == &states[S_MINEEXPLOSION1])
K_ExplodePlayer(tmthing->player, thing->target, thing); K_ExplodePlayer(tmthing->player, thing->target, thing);
else else
K_SpinPlayer(tmthing->player, thing->target, 0, tmthing, false); K_SpinPlayer(tmthing->player, thing->target, 0, thing, false);
return true; return true;
} }