toasterbabe 726cd9757b Spectators in new Coop instead of staring at a dead screen all the time!
Needs a bunch of changes to HUD rendering, especially in splitscreen, which doesn't try to show spectator stuff whatsoever. Also, if you're the player whose respawn determines when the map reloads, you'll see the spectator text during the front half of the fade. Unless, of course, it's 2-player mode.
2017-05-29 21:23:00 +01:00

465 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file p_local.h
/// \brief Play functions, animation, global header
#ifndef __P_LOCAL__
#define __P_LOCAL__
#include "command.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "d_think.h"
#include "m_fixed.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "p_tick.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#define VIEWHEIGHTS "41"
// Maximum player score.
#define MAXSCORE 999999990
// mapblocks are used to check movement
// against lines and things
// Convenience macro to fix issue with collision along bottom/left edges of blockmap -Red
#define BMBOUNDFIX(xl, xh, yl, yh) {if (xl > xh) xl = 0; if (yl > yh) yl = 0;}
// player radius used only in am_map.c
// MAXRADIUS is for precalculated sector block boxes
// the spider demon is larger,
// but we do not have any moving sectors nearby
// max Z move up or down without jumping
// above this, a height difference is considered as a 'dropoff'
#define twodlevel (maptol & TOL_2D)
#define mariomode (maptol & TOL_MARIO)
#define P_GetPlayerHeight(player) FixedMul(player->height, player->mo->scale)
#define P_GetPlayerSpinHeight(player) FixedMul(player->spinheight, player->mo->scale)
// both the head and tail of the thinker list
extern thinker_t thinkercap;
void P_InitThinkers(void);
void P_AddThinker(thinker_t *thinker);
void P_RemoveThinker(thinker_t *thinker);
typedef struct camera_s
boolean chase;
angle_t aiming;
// Things used by FS cameras.
fixed_t viewheight;
angle_t startangle;
// Camera demobjerization
// Info for drawing: position.
fixed_t x, y, z;
//More drawing info: to determine current sprite.
angle_t angle; // orientation
struct subsector_s *subsector;
// The closest interval over all contacted Sectors (or Things).
fixed_t floorz;
fixed_t ceilingz;
// For movement checking.
fixed_t radius;
fixed_t height;
fixed_t relativex;
// Momentums, used to update position.
fixed_t momx, momy, momz;
} camera_t;
extern camera_t camera, camera2;
extern consvar_t cv_cam_dist, cv_cam_still, cv_cam_height;
extern consvar_t cv_cam_speed, cv_cam_rotate, cv_cam_rotspeed;
extern consvar_t cv_cam2_dist, cv_cam2_still, cv_cam2_height;
extern consvar_t cv_cam2_speed, cv_cam2_rotate, cv_cam2_rotspeed;
extern fixed_t t_cam_dist, t_cam_height, t_cam_rotate;
extern fixed_t t_cam2_dist, t_cam2_height, t_cam2_rotate;
INT32 P_GetPlayerControlDirection(player_t *player);
void P_AddPlayerScore(player_t *player, UINT32 amount);
void P_StealPlayerScore(player_t *player, UINT32 amount);
void P_ResetCamera(player_t *player, camera_t *thiscam);
boolean P_TryCameraMove(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, camera_t *thiscam);
void P_SlideCameraMove(camera_t *thiscam);
boolean P_MoveChaseCamera(player_t *player, camera_t *thiscam, boolean resetcalled);
pflags_t P_GetJumpFlags(player_t *player);
boolean P_PlayerInPain(player_t *player);
void P_DoPlayerPain(player_t *player, mobj_t *source, mobj_t *inflictor);
void P_ResetPlayer(player_t *player);
boolean P_IsLocalPlayer(player_t *player);
boolean P_IsObjectInGoop(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_IsObjectOnGround(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_IsObjectOnGroundIn(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec);
boolean P_InSpaceSector(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_InQuicksand(mobj_t *mo);
void P_SetObjectMomZ(mobj_t *mo, fixed_t value, boolean relative);
void P_RestoreMusic(player_t *player);
void P_SpawnShieldOrb(player_t *player);
void P_SwitchShield(player_t *player, UINT16 shieldtype);
mobj_t *P_SpawnGhostMobj(mobj_t *mobj);
void P_GivePlayerRings(player_t *player, INT32 num_rings);
void P_GivePlayerLives(player_t *player, INT32 numlives);
UINT8 P_GetNextEmerald(void);
void P_GiveEmerald(boolean spawnObj);
#if 0
void P_ResetScore(player_t *player);
#define P_ResetScore(player) player->scoreadd = 0
boolean P_AutoPause(void);
void P_DoJumpShield(player_t *player);
void P_DoBubbleBounce(player_t *player);
void P_DoAbilityBounce(player_t *player, boolean changemomz);
void P_BlackOw(player_t *player);
void P_ElementalFire(player_t *player, boolean cropcircle);
void P_DoPityCheck(player_t *player);
void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player);
void P_PlayerAfterThink(player_t *player);
void P_DoPlayerExit(player_t *player);
void P_NightserizePlayer(player_t *player, INT32 ptime);
void P_InstaThrust(mobj_t *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move);
fixed_t P_ReturnThrustX(mobj_t *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move);
fixed_t P_ReturnThrustY(mobj_t *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move);
void P_InstaThrustEvenIn2D(mobj_t *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move);
mobj_t *P_LookForEnemies(player_t *player, boolean nonenemies, boolean bullet);
void P_NukeEnemies(mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, fixed_t radius);
void P_HomingAttack(mobj_t *source, mobj_t *enemy); /// \todo doesn't belong in p_user
boolean P_SuperReady(player_t *player);
void P_DoJump(player_t *player, boolean soundandstate);
#if 0
boolean P_AnalogMove(player_t *player);
#define P_AnalogMove(player) (player->pflags & PF_ANALOGMODE)
boolean P_TransferToNextMare(player_t *player);
UINT8 P_FindLowestMare(void);
void P_FindEmerald(void);
void P_TransferToAxis(player_t *player, INT32 axisnum);
boolean P_PlayerMoving(INT32 pnum);
void P_SpawnThokMobj(player_t *player);
void P_SpawnSpinMobj(player_t *player, mobjtype_t type);
void P_Telekinesis(player_t *player, fixed_t thrust, fixed_t range);
void P_PlayLivesJingle(player_t *player);
#define P_PlayRinglossSound(s) S_StartSound(s, (mariomode) ? sfx_mario8 : sfx_altow1 + P_RandomKey(4));
#define P_PlayDeathSound(s) S_StartSound(s, sfx_altdi1 + P_RandomKey(4));
#define P_PlayVictorySound(s) S_StartSound(s, sfx_victr1 + P_RandomKey(4));
boolean P_GetLives(player_t *player);
boolean P_SpectatorJoinGame(player_t *player);
// Time interval for item respawning.
// WARNING MUST be a power of 2
#define ITEMQUESIZE 1024
extern mapthing_t *itemrespawnque[ITEMQUESIZE];
extern tic_t itemrespawntime[ITEMQUESIZE];
extern size_t iquehead, iquetail;
extern consvar_t cv_gravity, cv_viewheight;
void P_RespawnSpecials(void);
mobj_t *P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type);
void P_RecalcPrecipInSector(sector_t *sector);
void P_PrecipitationEffects(void);
void P_RemoveMobj(mobj_t *th);
boolean P_MobjWasRemoved(mobj_t *th);
void P_RemoveSavegameMobj(mobj_t *th);
UINT8 P_GetMobjSprite2(mobj_t *mobj, UINT8 spr2);
boolean P_SetPlayerMobjState(mobj_t *mobj, statenum_t state);
boolean P_SetMobjState(mobj_t *mobj, statenum_t state);
void P_RunShields(void);
void P_RunOverlays(void);
void P_MobjThinker(mobj_t *mobj);
boolean P_RailThinker(mobj_t *mobj);
void P_PushableThinker(mobj_t *mobj);
void P_SceneryThinker(mobj_t *mobj);
fixed_t P_MobjFloorZ(mobj_t *mobj, sector_t *sector, sector_t *boundsec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, line_t *line, boolean lowest, boolean perfect);
fixed_t P_MobjCeilingZ(mobj_t *mobj, sector_t *sector, sector_t *boundsec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, line_t *line, boolean lowest, boolean perfect);
#define P_GetFloorZ(mobj, sector, x, y, line) P_MobjFloorZ(mobj, sector, NULL, x, y, line, false, false)
#define P_GetCeilingZ(mobj, sector, x, y, line) P_MobjCeilingZ(mobj, sector, NULL, x, y, line, true, false)
#define P_GetFOFTopZ(mobj, sector, fof, x, y, line) P_MobjCeilingZ(mobj, sectors + fof->secnum, sector, x, y, line, false, false)
#define P_GetFOFBottomZ(mobj, sector, fof, x, y, line) P_MobjFloorZ(mobj, sectors + fof->secnum, sector, x, y, line, true, false)
#define P_GetSpecialBottomZ(mobj, src, bound) P_MobjFloorZ(mobj, src, bound, mobj->x, mobj->y, NULL, src != bound, true)
#define P_GetSpecialTopZ(mobj, src, bound) P_MobjCeilingZ(mobj, src, bound, mobj->x, mobj->y, NULL, src == bound, true)
fixed_t P_CameraFloorZ(camera_t *mobj, sector_t *sector, sector_t *boundsec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, line_t *line, boolean lowest, boolean perfect);
fixed_t P_CameraCeilingZ(camera_t *mobj, sector_t *sector, sector_t *boundsec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, line_t *line, boolean lowest, boolean perfect);
#define P_CameraGetFloorZ(mobj, sector, x, y, line) P_CameraFloorZ(mobj, sector, NULL, x, y, line, false, false)
#define P_CameraGetCeilingZ(mobj, sector, x, y, line) P_CameraCeilingZ(mobj, sector, NULL, x, y, line, true, false)
#define P_CameraGetFOFTopZ(mobj, sector, fof, x, y, line) P_CameraCeilingZ(mobj, sectors + fof->secnum, sector, x, y, line, false, false)
#define P_CameraGetFOFBottomZ(mobj, sector, fof, x, y, line) P_CameraFloorZ(mobj, sectors + fof->secnum, sector, x, y, line, true, false)
boolean P_InsideANonSolidFFloor(mobj_t *mobj, ffloor_t *rover);
boolean P_CheckDeathPitCollide(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_CheckSolidLava(mobj_t *mo, ffloor_t *rover);
mobj_t *P_SpawnMobjFromMobj(mobj_t *mobj, fixed_t xofs, fixed_t yofs, fixed_t zofs, mobjtype_t type);
mobj_t *P_SpawnMissile(mobj_t *source, mobj_t *dest, mobjtype_t type);
mobj_t *P_SpawnXYZMissile(mobj_t *source, mobj_t *dest, mobjtype_t type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z);
mobj_t *P_SpawnPointMissile(mobj_t *source, fixed_t xa, fixed_t ya, fixed_t za, mobjtype_t type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z);
mobj_t *P_SpawnAlteredDirectionMissile(mobj_t *source, mobjtype_t type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, INT32 shiftingAngle);
mobj_t *P_SPMAngle(mobj_t *source, mobjtype_t type, angle_t angle, UINT8 aimtype, UINT32 flags2);
#define P_SpawnPlayerMissile(s,t,f) P_SPMAngle(s,t,s->angle,true,f)
#define P_SpawnNameFinder(s,t) P_SPMAngle(s,t,s->angle,true,0)
void P_ColorTeamMissile(mobj_t *missile, player_t *source);
SINT8 P_MobjFlip(mobj_t *mobj);
fixed_t P_GetMobjGravity(mobj_t *mo);
FUNCMATH boolean P_WeaponOrPanel(mobjtype_t type);
boolean P_CameraThinker(player_t *player, camera_t *thiscam, boolean resetcalled);
void P_Attract(mobj_t *source, mobj_t *enemy, boolean nightsgrab);
mobj_t *P_GetClosestAxis(mobj_t *source);
boolean P_CanRunOnWater(player_t *player, ffloor_t *rover);
void P_FlashPal(player_t *pl, UINT16 type, UINT16 duration);
#define PAL_WHITE 1
#define PAL_MIXUP 2
#define PAL_RECYCLE 3
#define PAL_NUKE 4
// main player in game
extern player_t *stplyr; // for splitscreen correct palette changes and overlay
// Is there a better place for these?
extern INT32 var1;
extern INT32 var2;
boolean P_CheckMeleeRange(mobj_t *actor);
boolean P_JetbCheckMeleeRange(mobj_t *actor);
boolean P_FaceStabCheckMeleeRange(mobj_t *actor);
boolean P_SkimCheckMeleeRange(mobj_t *actor);
boolean P_CheckMissileRange(mobj_t *actor);
void P_NewChaseDir(mobj_t *actor);
boolean P_LookForPlayers(mobj_t *actor, boolean allaround, boolean tracer, fixed_t dist);
mobj_t *P_InternalFlickySpawn(mobj_t *actor, mobjtype_t flickytype, fixed_t momz, boolean lookforplayers);
void P_InternalFlickyBubble(mobj_t *actor);
void P_InternalFlickyFly(mobj_t *actor, fixed_t flyspeed, fixed_t targetdist, fixed_t chasez);
void P_InternalFlickyHop(mobj_t *actor, fixed_t momz, fixed_t momh, angle_t angle);
// P_MAP
// If "floatok" true, move would be ok
// if within "tmfloorz - tmceilingz".
extern boolean floatok;
extern fixed_t tmfloorz;
extern fixed_t tmceilingz;
extern mobj_t *tmfloorthing, *tmhitthing, *tmthing;
extern camera_t *mapcampointer;
extern fixed_t tmx;
extern fixed_t tmy;
#ifdef ESLOPE
extern pslope_t *tmfloorslope, *tmceilingslope;
/* cphipps 2004/08/30 */
extern void P_MapStart(void);
extern void P_MapEnd(void);
extern line_t *ceilingline;
extern line_t *blockingline;
extern msecnode_t *sector_list;
extern mprecipsecnode_t *precipsector_list;
void P_UnsetThingPosition(mobj_t *thing);
void P_SetThingPosition(mobj_t *thing);
void P_SetUnderlayPosition(mobj_t *thing);
boolean P_CheckPosition(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
boolean P_CheckCameraPosition(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, camera_t *thiscam);
boolean P_TryMove(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, boolean allowdropoff);
boolean P_Move(mobj_t *actor, fixed_t speed);
boolean P_TeleportMove(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z);
void P_SlideMove(mobj_t *mo);
void P_BounceMove(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_CheckSight(mobj_t *t1, mobj_t *t2);
void P_CheckHoopPosition(mobj_t *hoopthing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t radius);
boolean P_CheckSector(sector_t *sector, boolean crunch);
void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *node);
void P_DelPrecipSeclist(mprecipsecnode_t *node);
void P_CreateSecNodeList(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
void P_Initsecnode(void);
void P_RadiusAttack(mobj_t *spot, mobj_t *source, fixed_t damagedist);
fixed_t P_FloorzAtPos(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t height);
boolean PIT_PushableMoved(mobj_t *thing);
boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object);
extern UINT8 *rejectmatrix; // for fast sight rejection
extern INT32 *blockmaplump; // offsets in blockmap are from here
extern INT32 *blockmap; // Big blockmap
extern INT32 bmapwidth;
extern INT32 bmapheight; // in mapblocks
extern fixed_t bmaporgx;
extern fixed_t bmaporgy; // origin of block map
extern mobj_t **blocklinks; // for thing chains
typedef struct BasicFF_s
INT32 ForceX; ///< The X of the Force's Vel
INT32 ForceY; ///< The Y of the Force's Vel
const player_t *player; ///< Player of Rumble
UINT32 Duration; ///< The total duration of the effect, in microseconds
INT32 Gain; ///< /The gain to be applied to the effect, in the range from 0 through 10,000.
//All, CONSTANTFORCE <20>10,000 to 10,000
INT32 Magnitude; ///< Magnitude of the effect, in the range from 0 through 10,000.
} BasicFF_t;
/* Damage/death types, for P_DamageMobj and related */
//// Damage types
//#define DMG_NORMAL 0 (unneeded?)
#define DMG_WATER 1
#define DMG_FIRE 2
#define DMG_ELECTRIC 3
#define DMG_SPIKE 4
#define DMG_NUKE 5 // bomb shield
//// Death types - cannot be combined with damage types
#define DMG_INSTAKILL 0x80
#define DMG_DROWNED 0x80+1
#define DMG_SPACEDROWN 0x80+2
#define DMG_DEATHPIT 0x80+3
#define DMG_CRUSHED 0x80+4
#define DMG_SPECTATOR 0x80+5
#define DMG_DEATHMASK DMG_INSTAKILL // if bit 7 is set, this is a death type instead of a damage type
void P_ForceFeed(const player_t *player, INT32 attack, INT32 fade, tic_t duration, INT32 period);
void P_ForceConstant(const BasicFF_t *FFInfo);
void P_RampConstant(const BasicFF_t *FFInfo, INT32 Start, INT32 End);
void P_RemoveShield(player_t *player);
boolean P_DamageMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 damage, UINT8 damagetype);
void P_KillMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, UINT8 damagetype);
void P_PlayerRingBurst(player_t *player, INT32 num_rings); /// \todo better fit in p_user.c
void P_PlayerWeaponPanelBurst(player_t *player);
void P_PlayerWeaponAmmoBurst(player_t *player);
void P_PlayerWeaponPanelOrAmmoBurst(player_t *player);
void P_PlayerEmeraldBurst(player_t *player, boolean toss);
void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck);
void P_PlayerFlagBurst(player_t *player, boolean toss);
void P_CheckTimeLimit(void);
void P_CheckPointLimit(void);
void P_CheckSurvivors(void);
boolean P_CheckRacers(void);
void P_ClearStarPost(INT32 postnum);
void P_ResetStarposts(void);
boolean P_CanPickupItem(player_t *player, boolean weapon);
void P_DoNightsScore(player_t *player);
void P_DoMatchSuper(player_t *player);
#include "p_spec.h"
extern INT32 ceilmovesound;
// Factor to scale scrolling effect into mobj-carrying properties = 3/32.
// (This is so scrolling floors and objects on them can move at same speed.)
void P_MixUp(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle,
INT16 starpostx, INT16 starposty, INT16 starpostz,
INT32 starpostnum, tic_t starposttime, angle_t starpostangle,
INT32 flags2);
boolean P_Teleport(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, boolean flash, boolean dontstopmove);
boolean P_SetMobjStateNF(mobj_t *mobj, statenum_t state);
boolean P_CheckMissileSpawn(mobj_t *th);
void P_Thrust(mobj_t *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move);
void P_DoSuperTransformation(player_t *player, boolean giverings);
void P_ExplodeMissile(mobj_t *mo);
void P_CheckGravity(mobj_t *mo, boolean affect);
#endif // __P_LOCAL__