// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file /// \brief Sources from GameDeveloper magazine article, January 1998, by Bruce Dawson. /// this source file contains the exception handler for recording error /// information after crashes. #include #include "win_main.h" #include "../doomdef.h" //just for VERSION #include "win_dbg.h" #include "../m_argv.h" //print the parameter in the log #define NumCodeBytes 16 // Number of code bytes to record. #define MaxStackDump 2048 // Maximum number of DWORDS in stack dumps. #define StackColumns 8 // Number of columns in stack dump. #define ONEK 1024 #define SIXTYFOURK (64*ONEK) #define ONEM (ONEK*ONEK) #define ONEG (ONEK*ONEK*ONEK) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return a description for an ExceptionCode // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static LPCSTR GetExceptionDescription (DWORD ExceptionCode) { unsigned int i; struct ExceptionNames { DWORD ExceptionCode; LPCSTR ExceptionName; }; struct ExceptionNames ExceptionMap[] = { {EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, "an Access Violation"}, {EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED, "a Array Bounds Exceeded"}, {EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, "a Breakpoint"}, {EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT, "a Datatype Misalignment"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND, "a Float Denormal Operand"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, "a Float Divide By Zero"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT, "a Float Inexact Result"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION, "a Float Invalid Operation"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW, "a Float Overflow"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK, "a Float Stack Check"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW, "a Float Underflow"}, {EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION, "an Illegal Instruction"}, {EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR, "an In Page Error"}, {EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, "an Integer Divide By Zero"}, {EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW, "an Integer Overflow"}, {EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION, "an Invalid Disposition"}, {EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION, "Noncontinuable Exception"}, {EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION, "a Privileged Instruction"}, {EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, "a Single Step"}, {EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW, "a Stack Overflow"}, {0x40010005, "a Control-C"}, {0x40010008, "a Control-Break"}, {0xc0000006, "an In Page Error"}, {0xc0000017, "a No Memory"}, {0xc000001d, "an Illegal Instruction"}, {0xc0000025, "a Noncontinuable Exception"}, {0xc0000142, "a DLL Initialization Failed"}, {0xe06d7363, "a Microsoft C++ Exception"}, }; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof (ExceptionMap) / sizeof (ExceptionMap[0])); i++) if (ExceptionCode == ExceptionMap[i].ExceptionCode) return ExceptionMap[i].ExceptionName; return "Unknown exception type"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Directly output a formatted string to the errorlog file, using win32 funcs // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID FPrintf (HANDLE fileHandle, LPCSTR lpFmt, ...) { CHAR str[1999]; va_list arglist; DWORD bytesWritten; va_start (arglist, lpFmt); vsprintf (str, lpFmt, arglist); va_end (arglist); WriteFile (fileHandle, str, (DWORD)strlen(str), &bytesWritten, NULL); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print the specified FILETIME to output in a human readable format, // without using the C run time. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID PrintTime (LPSTR output, FILETIME TimeToPrint) { WORD Date, Time; if (FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&TimeToPrint, &TimeToPrint) && FileTimeToDosDateTime (&TimeToPrint, &Date, &Time)) { // What a silly way to print out the file date/time. wsprintfA(output, "%d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d", (Date / 32) & 15, Date & 31, (Date / 512) + 1980, (Time / 2048), (Time / 32) & 63, (Time & 31) * 2); } else output[0] = 0; } static LPTSTR GetFilePart(LPTSTR source) { LPTSTR result = _tcsrchr(source, '\\'); if (result) result++; else result = source; return result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print information about a code module (DLL or EXE) such as its size, // location, time stamp, etc. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID ShowModuleInfo(HANDLE LogFile, HMODULE ModuleHandle) { CHAR ModName[MAX_PATH]; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHeader; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *NTHeader; HANDLE ModuleFile; CHAR TimeBuffer[100] = ""; DWORD FileSize = 0; #ifdef NO_SEH_MINGW __try1(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #else __try #endif { if (GetModuleFileNameA(ModuleHandle, ModName, sizeof (ModName)) > 0) { // If GetModuleFileName returns greater than zero then this must // be a valid code module address. Therefore we can try to walk // our way through its structures to find the link time stamp. DosHeader = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)ModuleHandle; if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE != DosHeader->e_magic) return; NTHeader = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)((char *)DosHeader + DosHeader->e_lfanew); if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE != NTHeader->Signature) return; // Open the code module file so that we can get its file date // and size. ModuleFile = CreateFileA(ModName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (ModuleFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILETIME LastWriteTime; FileSize = GetFileSize(ModuleFile, 0); if (GetFileTime(ModuleFile, 0, 0, &LastWriteTime)) { wsprintfA(TimeBuffer, " - file date is "); PrintTime(TimeBuffer + strlen(TimeBuffer), LastWriteTime); } CloseHandle(ModuleFile); } FPrintf (LogFile, "%s, loaded at 0x%08x - %d bytes - %08x%s\r\n", ModName, ModuleHandle, FileSize, NTHeader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp, TimeBuffer); } } // Handle any exceptions by continuing from this point. #ifdef NO_SEH_MINGW __except1 #else __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #endif { } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scan memory looking for code modules (DLLs or EXEs). VirtualQuery is used // to find all the blocks of address space that were reserved or committed, // and ShowModuleInfo will display module information if they are code // modules. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID RecordModuleList(HANDLE LogFile) { SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; size_t PageSize; size_t NumPages; size_t pageNum = 0; LPVOID LastAllocationBase = 0; FPrintf (LogFile, "\r\n" "\tModule list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps " "and file times:\r\n"); // Set NumPages to the number of pages in the 4GByte address space, // while being careful to avoid overflowing ints. GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); PageSize = SystemInfo.dwPageSize; NumPages = 4 * (unsigned int)(ONEG / PageSize); while (pageNum < NumPages) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemInfo; if (VirtualQuery((LPVOID)(pageNum * PageSize), &MemInfo, sizeof (MemInfo))) { if (MemInfo.RegionSize > 0) { // Adjust the page number to skip over this block of memory. pageNum += MemInfo.RegionSize / PageSize; if (MemInfo.State == MEM_COMMIT && MemInfo.AllocationBase > LastAllocationBase) { // Look for new blocks of committed memory, and try // recording their module names - this will fail // gracefully if they aren't code modules. LastAllocationBase = MemInfo.AllocationBase; ShowModuleInfo(LogFile, (HMODULE)LastAllocationBase); } } else pageNum += SIXTYFOURK / PageSize; } else pageNum += SIXTYFOURK / PageSize; // If VirtualQuery fails we advance by 64K because that is the // granularity of address space doled out by VirtualAlloc(). } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Record information about the user's system, such as processor type, amount // of memory, etc. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID RecordSystemInformation(HANDLE fileHandle) { FILETIME CurrentTime; CHAR TimeBuffer[100]; CHAR ModuleName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR UserName[200]; DWORD UserNameSize; SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; MEMORYSTATUS MemInfo; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (&CurrentTime); PrintTime (TimeBuffer, CurrentTime); FPrintf(fileHandle, "Error occurred at %s.\r\n", TimeBuffer); if (GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, ModuleName, sizeof (ModuleName)) <= 0) strcpy (ModuleName, "Unknown"); UserNameSize = sizeof (UserName); if (!GetUserNameA(UserName, &UserNameSize)) strcpy (UserName, "Unknown"); FPrintf(fileHandle, "%s, run by %s.\r\n", ModuleName, UserName); GetSystemInfo (&SystemInfo); FPrintf (fileHandle, "%d processor(s), type %d %d.%d.\r\n" "Program Memory from 0x%p to 0x%p\r\n", SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors, SystemInfo.dwProcessorType, SystemInfo.wProcessorLevel, SystemInfo.wProcessorRevision, SystemInfo.lpMinimumApplicationAddress, SystemInfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress); MemInfo.dwLength = sizeof (MemInfo); GlobalMemoryStatus(&MemInfo); // Print out the amount of physical memory, rounded up. FPrintf(fileHandle, "%d MBytes physical memory.\r\n", (MemInfo.dwTotalPhys + ONEM - 1) / ONEM); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // What we do here is trivial : open a file, write out the register information // from the PEXCEPTION_POINTERS structure, then return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH // whose magic value tells Win32 to proceed with its normal error handling // mechanism. This is important : an error dialog will popup if possible and // the debugger will hopefully coexist peacefully with the structured exception // handler. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int __cdecl RecordExceptionInfo (PEXCEPTION_POINTERS data/*, LPCSTR Message, LPSTR lpCmdLine*/) { PEXCEPTION_RECORD Exception; PCONTEXT Context; TCHAR ModuleName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR FileName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("Unknown"); LPTSTR FilePart, lastperiod; TCHAR CrashModulePathName[MAX_PATH]; LPCTSTR CrashModuleFileName = TEXT("Unknown"); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemInfo; static int BeenHere = false; HANDLE fileHandle; UINT8 *code; int codebyte,i; if (data) { Exception = data->ExceptionRecord; Context = data->ContextRecord; } else { return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } if (BeenHere) // Going recursive! That must mean this routine crashed! return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; BeenHere = true; // Create a filename to record the error information to. // Store it in the executable directory. if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, ModuleName, sizeof (ModuleName)) <= 0) ModuleName[0] = 0; FilePart = GetFilePart(ModuleName); // Extract the file name portion and remove it's file extension. We'll // use that name shortly. lstrcpy (FileName, FilePart); lastperiod = _tcsrchr (FileName, '.'); if (lastperiod) lastperiod[0] = 0; // Replace the executable filename with our error log file name. lstrcpy (FilePart, TEXT("errorlog.txt")); fileHandle = CreateFile (ModuleName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, NULL); if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { OutputDebugString (TEXT("Error creating exception report")); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } // Append to the error log. SetFilePointer (fileHandle, 0, 0, FILE_END); // Print out some blank lines to separate this error log from any previous ones. FPrintf (fileHandle, "Email Sonic Team Junior so we can fix the bugs\r\n"); // Tails FPrintf (fileHandle, "Make sure you tell us what you were doing to cause the crash, and if possible, record a demo!\r\n"); // Tails FPrintf (fileHandle, "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"); FPrintf (fileHandle, "SRB2 %s -ERROR LOG-\r\n\r\n", VERSIONSTRING); FPrintf (fileHandle, "\r\n"); // VirtualQuery can be used to get the allocation base associated with a // code address, which is the same as the ModuleHandle. This can be used // to get the filename of the module that the crash happened in. if (VirtualQuery ((LPVOID)(size_t)Context->Eip, &MemInfo, sizeof (MemInfo)) && GetModuleFileName ((HMODULE)MemInfo.AllocationBase, CrashModulePathName, sizeof (CrashModulePathName)) > 0) CrashModuleFileName = GetFilePart(CrashModulePathName); // Print out the beginning of the error log in a Win95 error window // compatible format. FPrintf (fileHandle, "%s caused an %s in module %s at %04x:%08x.\r\n", FileName, GetExceptionDescription(Exception->ExceptionCode), CrashModuleFileName, Context->SegCs, Context->Eip); //if (&Message = Null) FPrintf (fileHandle, "Exception handler called in %s.\r\n", "main thread"); //else //FPrintf (fileHandle, "Exception handler called in %s.\r\n", Message); RecordSystemInformation (fileHandle); // If the exception was an access violation, print out some additional // information, to the error log and the debugger. if (Exception->ExceptionCode == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION && Exception->NumberParameters >= 2) { TCHAR DebugMessage[1000]; LPCTSTR readwrite = TEXT("Read from"); if (Exception->ExceptionInformation[0]) readwrite = TEXT("Write to"); wsprintf(DebugMessage, TEXT("%s location %08x caused an access violation.\r\n"), readwrite, Exception->ExceptionInformation[1]); #ifdef _DEBUG // The VisualC++ debugger doesn't actually tell you whether a read // or a write caused the access violation, nor does it tell what // address was being read or written. So I fixed that. OutputDebugString(TEXT("Exception handler: ")); OutputDebugString(DebugMessage); #endif FPrintf(fileHandle, "%s", DebugMessage); } FPrintf(fileHandle, "\r\n"); // Print out the register values in a Win95 error window compatible format. if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_FULL) == CONTEXT_FULL) { FPrintf (fileHandle, "Registers:\r\n"); FPrintf (fileHandle, "EAX=%.8lx CS=%.4x EIP=%.8lx EFLGS=%.8lx\r\n", Context->Eax,Context->SegCs,Context->Eip,Context->EFlags); FPrintf (fileHandle, "EBX=%.8lx SS=%.4x ESP=%.8lx EBP=%.8lx\r\n", Context->Ebx,Context->SegSs,Context->Esp,Context->Ebp); FPrintf (fileHandle, "ECX=%.8lx DS=%.4x ESI=%.8lx FS=%.4x\r\n", Context->Ecx,Context->SegDs,Context->Esi,Context->SegFs); FPrintf (fileHandle, "EDX=%.8lx ES=%.4x EDI=%.8lx GS=%.4x\r\n", Context->Edx,Context->SegEs,Context->Edi,Context->SegGs); } // moved down because it was causing the printout to stop FPrintf (fileHandle, "Command Line parameters: "); for (i = 1;i < myargc;i++) FPrintf (fileHandle, "%s ", myargv[i]); FPrintf (fileHandle, "Bytes at CS : EIP:\r\n"); // Print out the bytes of code at the instruction pointer. Since the // crash may have been caused by an instruction pointer that was bad, // this code needs to be wrapped in an exception handler, in case there // is no memory to read. If the dereferencing of code[] fails, the // exception handler will print '??'. code = (UINT8 *)(size_t)Context->Eip; for (codebyte = 0; codebyte < NumCodeBytes; codebyte++) { #ifdef NO_SEH_MINGW __try1(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #else __try #endif { FPrintf (fileHandle, "%02x ", code[codebyte]); } #ifdef NO_SEH_MINGW __except1 #else __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #endif { FPrintf (fileHandle, "?? "); } } // Time to print part or all of the stack to the error log. This allows // us to figure out the call stack, parameters, local variables, etc. FPrintf (fileHandle, "\r\n" "Stack dump:\r\n"); #ifdef NO_SEH_MINGW __try1(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #else __try #endif { // Esp contains the bottom of the stack, or at least the bottom of // the currently used area. DWORD* pStack = (DWORD *)(size_t)Context->Esp; DWORD* pStackTop = NULL; size_t Count = 0; TCHAR buffer[1000] = TEXT(""); const int safetyzone = 50; LPTSTR nearend = buffer + sizeof (buffer) - safetyzone*sizeof (TCHAR); LPTSTR output = buffer; const void *Suffix; // Load the top (highest address) of the stack from the // thread information block. It will be found there in // Win9x and Windows NT. #ifdef __GNUC__ __asm__("movl %%fs : 4, %%eax": "=a"(pStackTop)); #else __asm { mov eax, fs:[4] mov pStackTop, eax } #endif if (pStackTop == NULL) goto StackSkip; else if (pStackTop > pStack + MaxStackDump) pStackTop = pStack + MaxStackDump; // Too many calls to WriteFile can take a long time, causing // confusing delays when programs crash. Therefore I implemented // simple buffering for the stack dumping code instead of calling // FPrintf directly. while (pStack + 1 <= pStackTop) { if ((Count % StackColumns) == 0) output += wsprintf(output, TEXT("%08x: "), pStack); if ((++Count % StackColumns) == 0 || pStack + 2 > pStackTop) Suffix = TEXT("\r\n"); else Suffix = TEXT(" "); output += wsprintf(output, TEXT("%08x%s"), *pStack, Suffix); pStack++; // Check for when the buffer is almost full, and flush it to disk. if (output > nearend) { FPrintf (fileHandle, "%s", buffer); buffer[0] = 0; output = buffer; } } // Print out any final characters from the cache. StackSkip: FPrintf (fileHandle, "%s", buffer); } #ifdef NO_SEH_MINGW __except1 #else __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #endif { FPrintf(fileHandle, "Exception encountered during stack dump.\r\n"); } RecordModuleList (fileHandle); CloseHandle (fileHandle); // Return the magic value which tells Win32 that this handler didn't // actually handle the exception - so that things will proceed as per // normal. //BP: should put message for end user to send this file to fix any bug return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } /* // //FPrintf ("e-mail this file to legacy@newdoom.com, so that we can fix the problem.\r\n\r\n"); FPrintf ("Exception handler called in %s.\r\n", Message); GetSystemTime (&systemTime); FPrintf ("Error occured at %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.\r\n", systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wYear, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond); FPrintf ("%s\r\n", filename); FPrintf ("Cmd-line: %s\r\n", lpCmdLine); // Nested exceptions can occur, get info for each one nER = 1; while (ER) { if (nER++>1) FPrintf ("Exception Record %d.\r\n", nER); FPrintf ("application caused an %s", GetExceptionCodeStr(Exception->ExceptionCode)); if (Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) FPrintf (" at %.4x:%.8x.\r\n", Context->SegCs, Context->Eip); // in case of.. if (Context->Eip != (unsigned long)Exception->ExceptionAddress) FPrintf ("Exception Address = %.8x\r\n", Exception->ExceptionAddress); if (Exception->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) { FPrintf ("\r\n%s location 0x%x caused an access violation.\r\n", (Exception->ExceptionInformation[0] ? "Write to" : "Read from"), Exception->ExceptionInformation[1]); } ER = Exception->ExceptionRecord; } if (Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS) { FPrintf ("\r\nDebug Registers:\r\n"); FPrintf ("Dr0=%.8x Dr1=%.8x Dr2=%.8x\r\n" "Dr3=%.8x Dr6=%.8x Dr7=%.8x\r\n", Context->Dr0, Context->Dr1, Context->Dr2, Context->Dr3, Context->Dr6, Context->Dr7); } if (Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) { FPrintf ("\r\nFloating Save Area:\r\n"); FPrintf ("ControlWord =%.8x TagWord =%.8x ErrorSelector=%.8x DataSelector =%.8x\r\n" "StatusWord =%.8x ErrorOffset =%.8x DataOffset =%.8x Cr0NpxState =%.8x\r\n", Context->FloatSave.ControlWord, Context->FloatSave.TagWord, Context->FloatSave.ErrorSelector, Context->FloatSave.DataSelector, Context->FloatSave.StatusWord, Context->FloatSave.ErrorOffset, Context->FloatSave.DataOffset, Context->FloatSave.Cr0NpxState ); //BYTE RegisterArea[SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS]; } // in case of... if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_FULL) != CONTEXT_FULL) { if (!(Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_SEGMENTS)) FPrintf ("Note! GS,FS,ES,DS are unspecified\r\n"); if (!(Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_INTEGER)) FPrintf ("Note! EDI,ESI,EBX,EDX,ECX,EAX are unspecified\r\n"); if (!(Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL)) FPrintf ("Note! EBP,CS : EIP,EFlags,SS : ESP are unspecified\r\n"); } FPrintf ("\r\nBytes at CS : EIP:\r\n"); ucptr = (UINT8 *)Context->Eip; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) FPrintf ("%.2x ", *ucptr++); FPrintf ("\r\n\r\nStack dump:\r\n"); ulptr = (unsigned long*)Context->Esp; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) FPrintf ("%.8x ", *ulptr++); //FPrintf ("Bytes at CS : EIP:\r\n"); //FPrintf ("%.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { FPrintf ("%x } */