common { // Some common settings // Default testing parameters testparameters = "-file \"%AP\" \"%F\" -warp %L"; testshortpaths = true; // Action special help (mxd) actionspecialhelp = ""; // Default nodebuilder configurations defaultsavecompiler = "zennode_normal"; defaulttestcompiler = "zennode_fast"; // Generalized actions generalizedlinedefs = false; generalizedsectors = true; mixtexturesflats = true; defaulttexturescale = 1.0f; defaultflatscale = 1.0f; scaledtextureoffsets = true; // Thing number for start position in 3D Mode start3dmode = 3328; // Texture sources textures { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "textures"); } // Patch sources patches { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "patches"); } // Sprite sources sprites { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sprites"); } // Flat sources flats { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "flats"); } } mapformat_doom { // The format interface handles the map data format - DoomMapSetIO for SRB2DB2, SRB2MapSetIO for Zone Builder formatinterface = "SRB2MapSetIO"; /* GAME DETECT PATTERN Used to guess the game for which a WAD file is made. 1 = One of these lumps must exist 2 = None of these lumps must exist 3 = All of these lumps must exist */ gamedetect { EXTENDED = 2; BEHAVIOR = 2; E#M# = 2; MAP?? = 1; } /* MAP LUMP NAMES Map lumps are loaded with the map as long as they are right after each other. When the editor meets a lump which is not defined in this list it will ignore the map if not satisfied. The order of items defines the order in which lumps will be written to WAD file on save. To indicate the map header lump, use ~MAP Legenda: required = Lump is required to exist. blindcopy = Lump will be copied along with the map blindly. (usefull for lumps Doom Builder doesn't use) nodebuild = The nodebuilder generates this lump. allowempty = The nodebuilder is allowed to leave this lump empty. script = This lump is a text-based script. Specify the filename of the script configuration to use. */ maplumpnames { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "doommaplumpnames"); } // When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted linetagindicatesectors = true; // Special linedefs include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "speciallinedefs"); // Default flags for first new thing (As far as 2.2 goes, they're empty just like in 2.1) defaultthingflags { } // DEFAULT SECTOR BRIGHTNESS LEVELS sectorbrightness { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorbrightness"); } // SECTOR TYPES----------------------------------------------------------------- sectortypes { include("SRB222_sectors.cfg", "sectortypes"); } // GENERALISED SECTOR TYPES----------------------------------------------------------------- gen_sectortypes { include("SRB222_sectors.cfg", "gen_sectortypes"); } // LINEDEF FLAGS linedefflags { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflags"); } // Linedef flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted linedefflagstranslation { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflagstranslation"); } // LINEDEF ACTIVATIONS linedefactivations { } // LINEDEF TYPES linedeftypes { include("SRB222_linedefs.cfg", "doom"); } // THING FLAGS thingflags { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflags"); } // Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflagstranslation"); } // THING FLAGS ERROR MASK // Mask for the thing flags which indicates the options // that make the same thing appear in the same modes thingflagsmask1 = 7; // 1 + 2 + 4 thingflagsmask2 = 0; } mapformat_udmf { // The format interface handles the map data format formatinterface = "UniversalMapSetIO"; // Enables support for long (> 8 chars) texture names // WARNING: this should only be enabled for UDMF game configurations! // WARNING: enabling this will make maps incompatible with Doom Builder 2 and can lead to problems in Slade 3! longtexturenames = false; // Default nodebuilder configurations defaultsavecompiler = "zdbsp_udmf_normal"; defaulttestcompiler = "zdbsp_udmf_fast"; engine = "srb2"; // override that so that DB2 uses the correct namespace maplumpnames { include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_begin"); include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames"); include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_end"); } universalfields { // include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "universalfields"); } // When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted linetagindicatesectors = false; // Special linedefs include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "speciallinedefs_udmf"); // Default flags for first new thing (As far as 2.2 goes, they're empty just like in 2.1) defaultthingflags { } // Generalized actions generalizedlinedefs = false; // SECTOR FLAGS sectorflags { // include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorflags"); } // DEFAULT SECTOR BRIGHTNESS LEVELS sectorbrightness { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorbrightness"); } // SECTOR TYPES sectortypes { include("SRB222_sectors.cfg", "sectortypes"); } // SECTOR RENSERSTYLES /* sectorrenderstyles { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorrenderstyles"); }*/ // LINEDEF FLAGS linedefflags { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflags_udmf"); } // LINEDEF ACTIVATIONS linedefactivations { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefactivations_udmf"); } linedefflagstranslation { } // LINEDEF RENSERSTYLES linedefrenderstyles { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefrenderstyles"); } //SIDEDEF FLAGS /* sidedefflags { include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "sidedefflags"); }*/ // THING FLAGS thingflags { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflags_udmf"); } // Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflagstranslation"); } // THING RENSERSTYLES /* thingrenderstyles { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingrenderstyles"); }*/ // How to compare thing flags (for the stuck things error checker) /* thingflagscompare { include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "thingflagscompare"); }*/ //mxd. Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { } // LINEDEF TYPES linedeftypes { include("SRB222_linedefs.cfg", "udmf"); } }