fixed sphere's CA2_MELEE stasis issue

This commit is contained in:
toaster 2019-08-02 13:18:57 +01:00
parent 2ae07bdf3b
commit f2349c5ce4
1 changed files with 40 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -2037,47 +2037,50 @@ boolean P_PlayerHitFloor(player_t *player, boolean dorollstuff)
player->pflags &= ~PF_GLIDING;
else if (player->charability2 == CA2_MELEE && player->panim == PA_ABILITY2 && player->mo->state-states != S_PLAY_MELEE_LANDING)
else if (player->charability2 == CA2_MELEE && player->panim == PA_ABILITY2)
mobjtype_t type = player->revitem;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_MELEE_LANDING);
player->mo->tics = (player->mo->movefactor == FRACUNIT) ? TICRATE/2 : (FixedDiv(35<<(FRACBITS-1), FixedSqrt(player->mo->movefactor)))>>FRACBITS;
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_s3k8b);
player->pflags |= PF_FULLSTASIS;
// hearticles
if (type)
if (player->mo->state-states != S_PLAY_MELEE_LANDING)
UINT8 i = 0;
angle_t throwang = -(2*ANG30);
fixed_t xo = P_ReturnThrustX(player->mo, player->drawangle, 16*player->mo->scale);
fixed_t yo = P_ReturnThrustY(player->mo, player->drawangle, 16*player->mo->scale);
fixed_t zo = 6*player->mo->scale;
fixed_t mu = FixedMul(player->maxdash, player->mo->scale);
fixed_t mu2 = FixedHypot(player->mo->momx, player->mo->momy);
fixed_t ev;
mobj_t *missile = NULL;
if (mu2 < mu)
mu2 = mu;
ev = (50*FRACUNIT - (mu/25))/50;
while (i < 5)
missile = P_SpawnMobjFromMobj(player->mo, xo, yo, zo, type);
P_SetTarget(&missile->target, player->mo);
missile->angle = throwang + player->drawangle;
P_Thrust(missile, player->drawangle + ANGLE_90,
P_ReturnThrustY(missile, throwang, mu)); // side to side component
P_Thrust(missile, player->drawangle, mu2); // forward component
P_SetObjectMomZ(missile, (4 + ((i&1)<<1))*FRACUNIT, true);
missile->momz += player->mo->pmomz;
missile->fuse = TICRATE/2;
missile->extravalue2 = ev;
mobjtype_t type = player->revitem;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_MELEE_LANDING);
player->mo->tics = (player->mo->movefactor == FRACUNIT) ? TICRATE/2 : (FixedDiv(35<<(FRACBITS-1), FixedSqrt(player->mo->movefactor)))>>FRACBITS;
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_s3k8b);
player->pflags |= PF_FULLSTASIS;
throwang += ANG30;
// hearticles
if (type)
UINT8 i = 0;
angle_t throwang = -(2*ANG30);
fixed_t xo = P_ReturnThrustX(player->mo, player->drawangle, 16*player->mo->scale);
fixed_t yo = P_ReturnThrustY(player->mo, player->drawangle, 16*player->mo->scale);
fixed_t zo = 6*player->mo->scale;
fixed_t mu = FixedMul(player->maxdash, player->mo->scale);
fixed_t mu2 = FixedHypot(player->mo->momx, player->mo->momy);
fixed_t ev;
mobj_t *missile = NULL;
if (mu2 < mu)
mu2 = mu;
ev = (50*FRACUNIT - (mu/25))/50;
while (i < 5)
missile = P_SpawnMobjFromMobj(player->mo, xo, yo, zo, type);
P_SetTarget(&missile->target, player->mo);
missile->angle = throwang + player->drawangle;
P_Thrust(missile, player->drawangle + ANGLE_90,
P_ReturnThrustY(missile, throwang, mu)); // side to side component
P_Thrust(missile, player->drawangle, mu2); // forward component
P_SetObjectMomZ(missile, (4 + ((i&1)<<1))*FRACUNIT, true);
missile->momz += player->mo->pmomz;
missile->fuse = TICRATE/2;
missile->extravalue2 = ev;
throwang += ANG30;
if (mobjinfo[type].seesound && missile)
S_StartSound(missile, missile->info->seesound);
if (mobjinfo[type].seesound && missile)
S_StartSound(missile, missile->info->seesound);
else if (player->charability2 == CA2_GUNSLINGER && player->panim == PA_ABILITY2)