Finishing touches 2

This commit is contained in:
mazmazz 2018-12-03 01:06:25 -05:00
parent d4718fa6d1
commit 6694b203e0
2 changed files with 22 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ if ["%SVZIP%"] == [""] (
:: Operate on install archives
type NUL > "%SCRIPTDIR%\new-install\staging.txt"
if exist "%SCRIPTDIR%\Installer.7z" (
if ["%SVZIP%"] == [""] (
@ -60,4 +62,6 @@ if exist "%SCRIPTDIR%\Patch_x64.7z" (
"%SVZIP%" a "%SCRIPTDIR%\Patch_x64.7z" "%SCRIPTDIR%\new-install\"
copy /y /b "%SCRIPTDIR%\sfx\7zsd_LZMA2_x64.sfx" + "%SCRIPTDIR%\sfx\config-patch.txt" + "%SCRIPTDIR%\Patch_x64.7z" "%SCRIPTDIR%\SRB2-%SRB2VERSIONNAME%-x64-Patch.exe"
del /f /q "%SCRIPTDIR%\new-install\staging.txt"

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@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ set "STAGINGDIR=%STAGINGDIR:~0,-1%"
for %%d in ("%STAGINGDIR%") do set INSTALLDIR=%%~dpd
:: FAILSAFE: Check if staging.txt exists in the directory
:: If not, exit, so we don't mess up anything by accident.
if exist "%STAGINGDIR%\staging.txt" (
) else (
:: Check if we need to create %userprofile%\SRB2
@ -90,11 +99,11 @@ echo f | xcopy /y "%STAGINGDIR%\LICENSE.txt" "%USERDIR%\LICENSE.txt"
echo Your game data and mods folder is: > "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo. >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo "%USERDIR%" >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo %USERDIR% >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo. >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo Your install folder is: >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo. >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo "%INSTALLDIR%" >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo %INSTALLDIR% >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo. >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo To run SRB2, go to: >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
echo. >> "%USERDIR%\! Data and Mods Go Here !.txt"
@ -186,7 +195,11 @@ for %%F in ("%STAGINGDIR%\*") DO (
if ["%%~nxF"] == ["staging.bat"] (
) else (
move "%STAGINGDIR%\%%~nxF" "%INSTALLDIR%\%%~nxF"
if ["%%~nxF"] == ["staging.txt"] (
) else (
move "%STAGINGDIR%\%%~nxF" "%INSTALLDIR%\%%~nxF"
@ -222,7 +235,7 @@ if ["%OLDINSTALLCHANGED%"] == ["1"] (
"%systemroot%\explorer.exe" "%USERDIR%"
echo Finished! You may find your game data in this folder: > %TEMP%\srb2msgprompt.txt
echo. >> %TEMP%\srb2msgprompt.txt
echo %USERDIR% >> %TEMP%\srb2msgprompt.txt
echo %USERDIR% >> %TEMP%\srb2msgprompt.txt
echo. >> %TEMP%\srb2msgprompt.txt
echo To run SRB2, go to: Start Menu ^> Programs ^> Sonic Robo Blast 2. >> %TEMP%\srb2msgprompt.txt
%MSGEXE% "%username%" < %TEMP%\srb2msgprompt.txt