Use R_AddColormaps method in 447 relative calc

This commit is contained in:
mazmazz 2018-09-11 21:03:13 -04:00
parent 0fb594ad58
commit 54669a6cc8
1 changed files with 14 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -3258,79 +3258,20 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
for (secnum = -1; (secnum = P_FindSectorFromLineTag(line, secnum)) >= 0 ;)
if (line->flags & ML_EFFECT3) // relative calc
if (sectors[secnum].extra_colormap) // does nothing without an existing colormap
extracolormap_t *target_colormap = R_CopyColormap(sectors[secnum].extra_colormap, false);
extracolormap_t *source_colormap = line->frontsector->extra_colormap ? line->frontsector->extra_colormap
: R_GetDefaultColormap();
INT16 red, green, blue, alpha;
// base rgba
red = max(min(
+ ((line->flags & ML_EFFECT1) ? -1 : 1) // subtract R
* R_GetRgbaR(source_colormap->rgba)
, 255), 0);
green = max(min(
+ ((line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB) ? -1 : 1) // subtract G
* R_GetRgbaG(source_colormap->rgba)
, 255), 0);
blue = max(min(
+ ((line->flags & ML_EFFECT2) ? -1 : 1) // subtract B
* R_GetRgbaB(source_colormap->rgba)
, 255), 0);
alpha = (line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? // front (or back!) X offset; needed to subtract A
(sides[line->sidenum[line->sidenum[1] != 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS)
: R_GetRgbaA(source_colormap->rgba);
alpha = max(min(R_GetRgbaA(target_colormap->rgba) + alpha, 25), 0);
target_colormap->rgba = R_PutRgbaRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
// fade rgba
red = max(min(
+ ((line->flags & ML_EFFECT1) ? -1 : 1) // subtract R
* R_GetRgbaR(source_colormap->fadergba)
, 255), 0);
green = max(min(
+ ((line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB) ? -1 : 1) // subtract G
* R_GetRgbaG(source_colormap->fadergba)
, 255), 0);
blue = max(min(
+ ((line->flags & ML_EFFECT2) ? -1 : 1) // subtract B
* R_GetRgbaB(source_colormap->fadergba)
, 255), 0);
alpha = (line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? // front (or back!) Y offset; needed to subtract A
(sides[line->sidenum[line->sidenum[1] != 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS)
: R_GetRgbaA(source_colormap->fadergba);
if (alpha == 25)
alpha = 0; // HACK: fadergba A defaults at 25, so don't add anything in this case
alpha = max(min(R_GetRgbaA(target_colormap->fadergba) + alpha, 25), 0);
target_colormap->fadergba = R_PutRgbaRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
if (!(sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = R_GetColormapFromList(target_colormap)))
target_colormap->colormap = R_CreateLightTable(target_colormap);
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = target_colormap;
memset(target_colormap, 0, sizeof(*target_colormap));
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = R_AddColormaps(
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap, line->frontsector->extra_colormap,
line->flags & ML_EFFECT1, // subtract R
line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB, // subtract G
line->flags & ML_EFFECT2, // subtract B
false, // subtract A (no flag for this, just pass negative alpha)
line->flags & ML_EFFECT1, // subtract FadeR
line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB, // subtract FadeG
line->flags & ML_EFFECT2, // subtract FadeB
false, // subtract FadeA (no flag for this, just pass negative alpha)
line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM,
(line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? (sides[line->sidenum[0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS) : 0,
(line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? (sides[line->sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS) : 0,
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = line->frontsector->extra_colormap;